The merry month of May generally symbolises the awakening of
nature and the emergence of new life. So it’s the perfect month to
organise our LOHMANN HATCHERY COURSE. Because before the
chick comes the egg.
As we all know, the handling of the eggs within the hatchery is the
be-all and end-all for good chick quality. As this is such an extensive
area, we were once again able to fill an entire week with hatchery related topics.

With around 20 participants, no fewer than 10 different nationalities
came together. This international mix always promises a special
exchange of experiences.
The mix of different countries is also a particularly interesting
challenge for our experts, as it brings to light very different
questions and problems that need to be answered and solved.
It’s a win-win situation for everyone.

What made this year’s programme particularly special were the external speakers who accepted our invitation.
Special thanks go to Lotte Hebbink (Pas Reform), Mohamed Sobhy (Petersime), Rui Silva (Jamesway) and Prof R. Preisinger (EW Group).

We can therefore look back on a very successful week in which all important aspects within the hatchery were discussed.
At the end, we were able to present all participants with their certificates and send them back to their workplaces around the world with new insights and accentuated knowledge.