Poultry News

A tool that makes our lives easier

Times are changing. The technological era has arrived and doesn’t stop at the gates of the poultry industry. As market leader in the poultry breeding sector, LOHMANN TIERZUCHT is willing to play a leading role in technological progress. We welcome new technologies that can make our lives easier in different areas. An important step in this direction is our Online Ordering System, which was launched at the beginning of this year.

Progress – development – success

LOHMANN TIERZUCHT is the first breeding company to introduce this kind of online ordering program.

One of the main reasons for developing a new, more efficient order system is the perishable nature of our products. A company such as LOHMANN, dealing with live chicks, needs to make the whole ordering system more dynamic. First and foremost, this development represents an unstoppable change from paper-based data storage and communication to digital formats. We need to adapt to this change in order to stay up to date. Sticking with a process that has always worked well does not necessarily guarantee success in the long term. We have to move forward and show initiative.

Time efficiency and responsibility

Under the old system, order forms were filled in by our sales staff in conjunction with the customer, signed and passed on to different departments such as planning, logistics and production. This procedure was time-consuming and could delay the whole order management process.
The new online platform is time-efficient: the sales representatives and all the other departments involved are now able to access the order information at the same time and the information flow is not delayed or interrupted. The benefit for the customer is that they do not have to hand over responsibility for their order.
They can fill in the order form themselves and the information is immediately forwarded to the relevant departments. They can also update details as soon as any changes occur and all parties concerned are notified immediately. Every time the status of any order changes or a new order is placed, every user (customer and LOHMANN departments) receives a confirmation/notification email. A list of orders ‘pending’ is also shown on the platform. The customer can access the data at any time.

Accessibility wherever you are

The program not only focuses on time efficiency but on availability as well. The main channel for accessing the online platform is the computer or laptop, but a smartphone or tablet can also be used, of course, and it is available and accessible by all users everywhere 24 hours a day.
This makes the system more widely accessible in any situation. Orders can be placed from anywhere 24 hours a day and changes can be made immediately. This accessibility improvement will make the process more attractive from the customer’s perspective.
Other technical details are also designed to make the customer’s life easier, such as the overview showing the most recent shipments and future estimated production in graph form. Only the required option has to be selected instead of entering the whole data every time.

This is the direction LOHMANN has taken with the online platform implementation. Customers can place their orders whenever it is convenient for them – at any time and in any situation.

Stable customer relationship still LOHMANN’s main aim

Our main aim always has been and always will be to build and maintain strong and successful business relationships with our customers. Our online ordering system guarantees functional and effective communication between all the relevant parties. We can now use the information received directly from the customer to better plan production and maximize customer satisfaction.
The customer has everything under their own responsibility and control. Orders now have to be placed and amended in writing online. This avoids communication errors over the phone and makes the whole process more transparent for both parties.
Avoiding unnecessary discussions and misunderstandings is always a big step towards building a balanced, satisfactory relationship between buyer and seller. The customer’s order preferences are now reflected on the platform, showing the regularity of orders, quantities, preferred time periods, etc. We can now use this information to better plan production and maximize customer satisfaction.

We firmly believe that this will be the first step towards a new, promising future, always keeping in mind our principle: Breeding for Success – Together.

Marketing Department

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