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Norbert Mischke


It is already a tradition to organise our famous LOHMANN Schools at least once a year as a way of training specialists from companies that work with LOHMANN parent flocks and commercials.

Bringing all these specialists to Russia at the same time is quite a challenge, so, it’s easier for us to visit the shores of the North Sea ourselves and invite our partners from Russia and other Russian-speaking countries to attend there.

Every year we hold the LOHMANN School in Germany in English. For two consecutive years, groups from Russia have been able to join this event. The lectures given during the training were presented by non-Russian-speaking specialists from LOHMANN, with a subsequent translation into Russian. Bringing all these specialists to Russia at the same time is quite a challenge, so, it’s easier for us to visit the shores of the North Sea ourselves and invite our partners from Russia and other Russian-speaking countries to attend there.

After the first LOHMANN School in 2019, this idea turned out to be so successful that this year we managed to organise the same event a second time before all the problems associated with coronavirus emerged. The programme of the event is the same every year and offers a detailed discussion of all the issues relating to flock management, hatching and brooding management, poultry feeding, biosecurity, veterinary problems etc.

After having the opportunity to discuss all the topics, the participants at the School can talk about all the remaining issues during the informal games and meals in the evening.

Picture 1. Joint Seminar LOHMANN Tierzucht, EVONIK and EW Nutrition in Nizhny Novgorod October 2019

Фото Школа 2019 и 2020
Photo School 2019 and 2020

Our speakers noted the high interest and attention shown by the Russian-speaking group, which was smaller in number than the other group, in the presentations, and that only dinner could stop them from asking more questions!

Our annual training in Russia was another successful event. Together with our partners – EVONIK and EW Nutrition – we managed to prepare an interesting programme for almost a hundred participants. The profile of the participating companies had already made it clear that the main topic would be poultry feeding and nutrition. This wonderful event took place in Nizhny Novgorod in October 2019.

The profile of the participating companies had already made it clear that the main topic would be poultry feeding and nutrition. This wonderful event took place in Nizhny Novgorod in October 2019.

The most important question that is always asked at all our meetings, seminars and training sessions relates to energy and the energy value of poultry feed.

Here, our approach differs from the approach of many local poultry feed specialists. They try to use a low energy diet because energy is the most expensive part of the feed.

Therefore, everyone is trying to “save” costs or overestimate the role of enzymes in increasing the energy level of the feed. We recommend using the WSPA formula to calculate energy, and not to overestimate the role of enzymes in additional energy release.

Our sister company EW Nutrition very accurately explained the problems associated with mycotoxins and the benefits of using feed additives to reduce the negative impact on the poultry.

The second question which was covered in great detail by the EVONIK specialists was the amino acid supply to highly performing flocks. The ideal protein formula is the ability to create a fully balanced and optimal ration for the best price.

Our sister company EW Nutrition very accurately explained the problems associated with mycotoxins and the benefits of using feed additives to reduce the negative impact on the poultry.

For 2020 we have serious plans. Celebrating 25 years after the first delivery of a parent flock to the Sverdlovskaya Poultry farm was a great reason to meet everyone in Ekaterinburg.

We planned meetings with our customers from the whole world in Hamburg and at Euro Tier in Hanover at the end of this year. However, the success of all these plans depends on the situation surrounding coronavirus in Germany and in the world.

Norbert Mischke – Regional Area Manager C.I.S.

