Our premiere was a complete success!
Due to the ongoing Corona situation, we had to cancel our LOHMANN SCHOOL in Cuxhaven this year and change the concept of the event. Therefore, the LOHMANN SCHOOL, well known to all customers, became the LOHMANN SCHOOL goes ONLINE.
Challenges and new opportunities
The new concept presented us new challenges but also opened up completely new possibilities. The number of participants was unlimited and so also clients of our customers could be considered and invited.
Thus we reached the proud number of 1500 registrations and 600 to 1000 viewers per day!!! A really enormous result.
Another great advantage was that we could offer the training in two different time zones and in three different languages, English, Spanish and Russian, at the same time. The translations of the lectures were done by our own experts. This gave us the security of a technically and linguistically absolutely correct translation.
New concept with high-quality content
With the online presentation, most of our experts entered new territory, because they now had to speak in front of a camera instead of a live audience. But all of them mastered this with bravery. The content was of course well-founded and of high quality, just as our clients are used to from the training courses.
3 days full of information
The first day started of course with the origin of everything, the hatching egg. Our poultry experts Mark Allen, Thomas Calil and Davide Assirelli referred to the protection of the hatching egg as a “perfect package” and improving its condition for improving the chick quality. Then we went on with Farhad Mozafar… but watch out: “ATTENTION! Baby chicks on board“!
We started the second day with our core business genetics when Dr. Matthias Schmutz and Björn Andersson inform us about improvements and the current status. Then we wanted to “fuel the machine” with Juan Valle who talked about nutrition. Afterwards, we went back to the basics of rearing management and nutrition with Mohammed Chairi and Robert Pottgüter. At the end of the day, Dr. Andreas Bublat “built up a protective shield” with the right vaccination.
But the third day was also not to be missed covering basics like management and feeding of layers in production, two lectures given by our experts Mohammed Chairi and Robert Pottgüter. Then we moved from the basics to two current topics. Dr. Matthias Voss highlighted Poultry Health in the layer industry 2021. And for some of you everyday life for others maybe a whole new field but worth and interesting to look at: Cage free management, an interesting and interactive talk by our specialists Mark Allen and Juan Valle.
Leisure and social interaction is also possible online
All those who have already attended our LOHMANN SCHOOL know that this event is also characterized by social interaction in the group of attendees. We always offer a leisure program after the lecture days to create a family atmosphere among the participants, which also always has a positive effect on the discussion rounds during and after the lectures. Of course, all this came up a bit short in an online format. But we as marketing department tried to remedy this a little and bring a piece of our beautiful, and weather-wise rather mixed, Cuxhaven into the world.
In addition, many spectators followed our call to take a selfie of themselves while participating in the event. So nobody felt completely alone in front of the screen.
Visions of the future
We sincerely hope that we will soon be able to hold training courses here in Cuxhaven again, but we will definitely keep up the online concept, as there are many more opportunities to explore and exploit here to pass on the expertise of our experts to our worldwide clients. As you can see, LOHMANN BREEDERS once again stands for innovation and progress.
We would like to thank all participants and also our team for making this school such a success.