Fig. 1. Extended production cycle with/without forced moulting (North Carolina Test Station – USA)

Modern commercial layers and
breeders have the potential
to produce a large numbers
of eggs. Commercial layers producing
noticeably above 330 eggs in a single
laying cycle of 12 months is no exception
under various field conditions. Meat type
breeders have also become more prolific
during the last decades, easily producing
up to 180 hatching eggs in 40 weeks of
production. Most performance tables for
commercial layers give standards above
80 weeks of age, but today many commercial layer flocks are kept up to 100
weeks or more. In the near future laying
flocks will be kept for longer production
cycles, which requires more attention of
all parties involved to maintain an acceptable eggshell quality towards the end of
lay. The greatest challenge that most table
egg producers and breeder farmers are
facing is to maintain optimal eggshell stability. At the end of production eggshell
quality often deteriorates considerably,
leading to substantial economic losses
for farmers and hatcheries. Under field
conditions some commercial layer farms
manage to keep the rejected eggs below
5%, whereas others have more than 10%
broken and (hair-) cracked eggs
(Fig. 2).
This wide variation indicates that several
factors are involved in maintenance of
good eggshell quality.
Factors affecting eggshell stability
A wide range of different influences affect the shell formation in the hen and
consequently the possibility that the egg
suffers any damage after it has been laid.
The choice of the right strain (genetics)
is a decisive factor. Numerous tests by
stations worldwide and comparisons by
major egg grading and packing companies show significant differences in
rejected eggs between different layer
breeds. It is well known that with increasing age of a hen shell quality usually
deteriorates, however, not all layer strains
show the same decline in shell strength.
Management procedures applied by the
farmer, like lighting and feeding programs, paying attention to egg collection
Fig. 2. Variation of shell breaking strength and percentage of cracks between individual farms in the Netherlands
and handling with care afterwards have a
major impact on actual egg harvest per
farm. Prevention of heat stress under hot
weather conditions is crucial to safeguard
production and egg quality. Correct climate control supported by feed supplementation will greatly contribute to improved shell quality. The health status of
a flock needs to be safeguarded by a well
designed vaccination program and comprehensive biosecurity. Many common
diseases like infectious bronchitis, Newcastle disease and mycoplasma infection
may cause substantial production losses
and severely affect shell stability. The right
equipment is also important to prevent
eggs from breaking after being laid. Cage
(floor) properties, egg conveyor belt alignments, nests with good bedding and a
state-of-the-art grading and packing machine are important technological issues.
Finally, a well balanced feeding program
with all nutrients reflecting the birds requirements during different phases of life
is essential to allow the bird to lay ‘well
packed’ eggs according to their potential.
In this article only two major factors affecting shell strength will be addressed. First
of all the contribution of genetics to improve shell quality and secondly how the
nutritionist can support the production of
stronger shells.
Leading layer-type breeding companies
have been selecting for decades for improved productivity and efficiency. Of
course egg quality traits have not been
neglected. Nowadays, a large number of
traits are collected on pure line level in the
pedigree farms. All those traits need to be
included in a so-called index in order to be
able to make a balanced selection of the
candidates for the next generation. Several
methods for measurement of eggshell stability are applied, however, only two have
proven to be most effective. The use of devices measuring static breaking strength
and crack detector for dynamic stiffness
have greatly contributed to improved shell
stability. Both traits have favourable correlations with most other performance traits
and have a moderate heritability which
allow the genetic improvement of shell
Table 1. Recommended particle size distribution of limestone for laying hens
(LOHMANN TIERZUCHT Management Guide).
Comparison of eggshell quality properties
in the Netherlands revealed a wide variation between different feed manufacturers.
Despite the fact that all breeding companies publish feed recommendations for
their strains, each feed company usually
designs their own in-house feed recipes.
In order to compose a feed which allows
the birds to produce strong shelled eggs,
several issues need to be considered.
Hot weather conditions
In hot climates where heat stress has a
major impact on productivity and shell
stability, additional actions are required to
support the laying hens. Due to the combination of reduced intake of nutrients
and respiratory alkalosis due to panting,
shell formation is at risk. Addition of 2-3 kg
sodium bicarbonate per ton of feed has
proven to balance the alkalosis and contribute to stronger shells. Micro-ingredients
like zinc, copper, chromium and manganese which play an essential role at the
shell formation should be increased under
heat stress. Finally supplementation of
vitamin C and E helps the birds to cope
with high temperatures.
Calcium supply
Most companies use limestone or (oyster-)
shells as the main source for calcium carbonate. Besides issues like ratio of calcium
release (solubility), first and foremost is
the correct particle size distribution of the
calcium source. In particular, the fraction
of coarse particles should be sufficient. A
feed with too high percentage of fine and
medium sized particles will cause more
broken eggs compared to feed with coarse particles.
Phase feeding program
Throughout the production period egg
weight normally increases and production gradually decreases after peak performance has been reached around 25
weeks of age. In order to fulfil the nutrient
requirement in the different stages of life
a tailor-made phase feeding program has
been designed. The basis of such a program is an increase in calcium content
with time, as both utilisation/absorption
decreases with age and egg size increases.
The available phosphorus level gradually
decreases towards the end of lay. Protein-
(digestible amino acids) levels also decrease as birds tend to eat more when they
grow older. Methionine levels which have
a direct impact on egg weight also decrease in line with protein in order to prevent
oversized eggs which are more likely to
crack. A phase feeding program needs to
be applied early enough during the laying
period in order to prevent oversized eggs.
Layer birds adjust daily feed intake mainly
in relation to their energy demand, furthermore increase in daily feed intake needs
to be prevented. Overconsumption may
lead to oversized eggs. Usually a constant
level of energy of the feed throughout the
phase feeding program is used under field
conditions. The active form of vitamin D3
(1,25-Hydroxycholecalciferol) is essential
for correct eggshell formation in the oviduct.
Vitamin D3 is converted in two steps in the
liver and kidneys to its active form. Birds
that suffer from so-called fatty liver syndrome or have kidney damage benefit from
supplementation of the active form of vitamin D3 in the feed. Taking care of liver
health will therefore contribute to a good
eggshell quality even in aging flocks.
Layers and breeders have a genetic potential for a high egg output. In order to produce mainly saleable and settable (hatching)
eggs, eggshell stability is a crucial trait. Both
genetics and balanced nutrition play an
important role to maintain good eggshell
quality. Geneticists have succeeded to
combine a prolonged production period
with good eggshell stability until the end
of lay. Specially designed devices for measurement of shell are used to accurately
distinguish hens laying strong shelled and
weaker eggs. For the nutritionist hot climate
conditions are an additional challenge. In
order to maintain production of premium
class eggs, rations need to be supplemented with extra micro-ingredients, vitamins
C and E and sodium bicarbonate. A socalled phase feeding program with different rations during the production period
is essential to safeguard performance. The
main targets are to maintain a good eggshell quality, control egg size and balance
nutrient supply to actual requirement.
Coarse limestone particles are essential for
a continuous calcium supply during the
shell formation. Vitamin D3, converted by
the liver and kidneys is required for eggshell
formation in the shell gland.
Ron Eek
Device for the measurement of dynamic stiffness.
Fig. 3. Selection Index for layer-type birds with individual traits
Fig. 4. Example of a four phase feeding program for layers